Source Code


The term "freeband" pretty much refers to the 25.1000 MHz (25100.0 kHz) to 28.0000 MHz (28000.0 kHz) band, although people do operate "freeband" above those ranges, and into the 10-meter ham radio band (which is REALLY illegal). Freeband comes from the 26.9650 to 27.4050 MHz CB radio band. Because of heavy use of this band al around the world (in all modes, AM, SSB, FM). People started to modify thier CB radios to operate above or below (usally above, in the 27.4150 to 28.775 MHz range) the normal CB band. Really, this band has very little users, the military and government have a few channels, and 28.000 to 29.700 is ham radio, and there are a few channels allocated to the Forest Products Radio Service/Business Radio Pool.

The most common modulation mode is SSB.

The international calling frequency is 27.555 MHz (27555.0 kHz)

The DX-949 is a common freeband radio.

by iRiShREPUblicANarmY December 20, 2003

51πŸ‘ 98πŸ‘Ž

Radio Scanner

a radio receiver that can quickly switch between two or more channels (today's scanners usally have more then 500 channels) and then stop when the frequency is active. Used by criminals and radio operators to listent to pretty much everything from the police officer asking his buddy to get him more doughnuts and your cordless phone.

"yeah man, i just got a hit on the scanner, the cops are after some black guy"

by iRiShREPUblicANarmY October 13, 2003

55πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Pirate Radio forever man!

I transmit pirate radio on the 26.695 to 27.965 MHz band as well as the 69xx kHz pirate band.

by iRiShREPUblicANarmY February 19, 2004

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


also a USAF callsign for Area 51

by iRiShREPUblicANarmY October 13, 2003

9πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


The DX-949 is an AM/SSB CB radio.
It covers 26.965 to 27.405 but can easliy be moded to cover from 26 to 28 MHz, making it a nice freeband radio.

use 27.555 MHz for calling in USB mode.

by iRiShREPUblicANarmY December 20, 2003

61πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


one who is addicted to adding definitions to www.urbandictionary.com

Hi, my name is (insert name here) and i am an urbanaddict

by iRiShREPUblicANarmY December 20, 2003

20πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


1) The treat something with a medication or drug.

2) To fall in love with someone, lovesick

3) see also the song "Dosed" by
the Red Hot Chili Peppers

(lyrics to song "dosed")

I got dosed by you
Closer than most to you
what am I supposed to do
Take it away I never had it anyway
Take it away and everything will be okay

In you a star is born
you cut a perfect form
someone forever warm
lay on

Way upon the mountain where she died
all I ever wanted was your life
deep inside the canyon I can't hide
all I ever wanted was your life

Show love with no remorse
climb onto your seahorse
this ride is right on course
this is the way I wanted it to be with you
this is the way I knew that it would be with you

Way upon the mountain where she died
all I ever wanted was your life
deep inside the canyon I can't hide
all I ever wanted was your life

by iRiShREPUblicANarmY November 15, 2003

192πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž