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nigger muffin

a black man that fucks someone while eating a muffin

i got fucked by that nigger muffin last night and he got so many crumbs in my vagina

by iamnotracis December 6, 2010

9👍 16👎


when a person takes a very large shit in the toilet, flushes, and the large terd comes spinning around only to pop out of the water, skim ur ass, and thus you get skidburns.

"Oh God! skidburn....."
*more toiletpaper*

by iamnotracis January 6, 2011

2👍 2👎

stubbed dick

when ones dick is so long that if they are not careful they will step on it while walking

this can sometimes end in loss in size

*black guy runing*

*guy trips on dick and loses three inches*

SHIT i stubbed dick

by iamnotracis December 6, 2010

6👍 4👎