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The willing or unwilling extinguishing of the mind toward a particular subject. Generally, ignorance results in confusion and anger, which themselves result in the idolization of emotionalist and collectivist world-views: a mindless, emotional attachment to the super-organism of a collective, whether that be a society, tribe or gang.

If an individual remains willfully ignorant toward a particular subject, the individual is forced to make unreasonable appeals to experts, authority figures, and, depending on the individual's corroded state of mind, a collective (mob rule). These unreasonable appeals are often utilized to compensate for the individual's lack of substance (knowledge). Through the blind faith in experts, authority figures and collectives, the distortion of data for political purposes arise. As distortion of data (which results in incremental detachment from reality) strengthens, the individual, being ignorant, is treated like a child or an irrational animal to be rounded up, controlled and directed toward a mythological 'common good'. The individual is dumbed down even further through the mediums of education manipulation and excessive entertainment amusements to keep the individual distracted from self-cultivation, character and asking questions.

The only cure for ignorance is the pursuit of knowledge and thus knowing thyself (mastering the body, mind and senses through the exercise of reason). In short, the only cure for ignorance is the triumph of reason. Anything contrary to reason is slavery. Slavery is ignorance. Ignorance is death. Death produces zombies.

“Aristotle was asked how much educated men are superior to the uneducated: "As much," said he, "as the living are to the dead” - Diogenes.

by icomeinpeace July 13, 2010

16👍 6👎


The political concept where each individual person is born (life) free (liberty). Thus the free individual has sole rights of self (property) and self-determination to remain free (pursuit of happiness).

The means of doing this is a peaceful participation in exchanging of goods and services with other individuals (market), who are also respected as free men, in a contract called society.

If everyone recognized the simplicity of these principles, a state would not be needed, but alas, for those who hate freedom, deny private ownership, or operate on pure greed at the expense of others' (nullifying their freedom), a limited state/government is a necessary evil to protect the individual's life, liberty, and pursuits of happiness.

This is Capitalism. There is no such thing as non-Capitalist economies, non-Capitalist economies like communism are merely state or collective capitalism.

So, in summary, there is either individual Capitalism (stated above) or collective/state capitalism (the numerous communism, socialism, monarchism, oligarchy variations).

by icomeinpeace July 14, 2010

22👍 27👎