Source Code

Drop the cum dump

Drop the cum dump means jerking off or masturbating, and yeah... i don't think it's a better way to say you want to jerk off today either, but still...

Ay bro, imma drop the cum dump in 30 minutes, i'll be back alright?

- yea gotchu bro but hurry up

by idk, really, just Hydro July 1, 2020


slang terminology for "we should"

We'sh take the dog today

by idk, really, just Hydro July 3, 2020

1👍 1👎


slang terminology for "You Should"

Hey dude, you'sh see the new movie, that shit's lit though

by idk, really, just Hydro July 8, 2020


The most no, it's just a meme that I'm trying to make, if you're in a no yes fight with someone, noest is there for you, once you say noest, you won!

Are we going to work on our project??

Alex - Yes
Adir - No
Alex - Yes!
Adir - Noest

by idk, really, just Hydro June 1, 2020

5👍 1👎