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1. David is a term used to describe people that stand out from the rest, the people you see and want to be friends with. Davids can be characterized by their distinctive good looks, but if you mention that to them they may get a tad bit cocky. David can also be sought out by his voice, it is unforgettable; his brown hair and brown eyes which can change your whole opinion on the colour brown.

2. Davids will always have their own opinions on things, which you may or may not like. Someone you'd call David would be obsessed with ice tea and not like oreos despite who disagrees with him. He would shake his head at such cheesy things and how inaccurate they are but he's yet to be proven wrong. He is someone that would laugh at idiocy with you and not get the least bit offended, at the same time, he's probably the most considerate person ever.

3. Davids are also amazing not-so-human beings, characterized by how perfect they are that they could not possibly be humans.

1. Don't be basic be David.

I've never liked the colour brown before but it's my new favourite colour.

You're so not David, I bet your pH is like totally 14

by idontevenlikecats June 15, 2014

27👍 9👎