"Locs" is a term commonly used to refer to a hairstyle known as "locks" or "dreadlocks." Locs are a natural hairstyle that involves the matting of hair into long, ropelike strands. The term "locs" is the proper term than of the offensive term "dreadlocks". Locs is linked to spirituality and it is worn by all cultures and race. Coined by Christina Clement, Spiritual leader, Author, and teacher of the Loc Community and Founder of State of Loc Nation.
HH Empress Queen Christina Clement has beautiful golden locs.
A community of 1.4 trillion members globally with a mission to empower, inspire, and raise awareness that Locs are a sacred artifact of faith. They are dedicated to fostering a sense of unity and spiritual connection within the Loc community and beyond. The main goal is to celebrate the profound significance of Locs and continue to share that knowledge with the world.
State of Loc Nation honors HH Empress Queen Christina Clement for providing useful lessons of culture.