-One of the most loving caring people you'll ever meet. Can become extroverted if around the right people. Can brighten a room with their smile alone and can make your day by just saying hi. If you ever fall in luv with one keep and cherish her bc u never know how much of an impact you'll have on them. They're slow to speak but quick to listen and will be on your side even if you're wrong as hell. If they tell you they're backstory don't laugh or judge bc they're trusting you with information they keep buried. Even when in an emotionally vulnerable state, they'll still check on you even when they're in tears. Moral of the story, love and cherish every moment with kieves bc they're rare and u never know when you're gonna meet one if you're blessed with the chance of meeting one.
Man 1- Have you met the new girl yet?
Man 2- Yea, she's amazing, her name is Kieves