Big chunky fat fugly woman
with the biggest ego bigger than will smith
they also think they can pull any man in the world making them delusional
Gorlock the destroyer: I can pull any boy you John are a ugly boy.
John: you can only pull a glazed double chunk chocolate .
Lunchables also known for I like my cheese processed bruh but way better than luncly
Yo blud why do you have Lunchables and not lunchly
a type of lunch which has partically drippy cheese origin for the meme ''i like my cheese drippy bruh''
also main lunch for winter arc
where my lunchly at?
Nguyen most painful surname no one can pronounce except the viets
Very hard to pronounce in any other language
John: is it nigwin nguyan?
John: how tf do you pronounce this Nguyen shi
This is a term derived from the meme "imagine if ninja got a low taper fade". the term became popular as the original version started loosing relevence.
IMAGINE IF NICK EH 30 GOT FRENCH FRY WITH WAVES! imagine nick eh 30 had french fries with waves
Famous guys that shop at cosco
WE are cosco guys ofc we bring the BOOM