The new vagina of a man after sexual reassignment surgery,particularly gruesome in appearance during the initial stages of the healing process.
Jonny went into the hospital and came out jane. To prove that he was now a woman he gave us a look see at his new frankensnatch that was still in stitches. It was a hungry looking thing that could make any grown man cry.
the anus of a man or woman that wants to be sodamized
My neighbor called me to tell me that her starfish was very hungry and to ask me if I could stop by sometime during the day to feed it. Evidently she had a very hungry starfish
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on the day of her batmizvah it became evident that Sophie would one day grow up to be a proud kikendike.
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A man who regularly engages in the act of inserting his penis into the sphicter of others. In either homosexual or heterosexual encounters, it does not matter.
Big Jim was a master starfisherman and never came back from a voyage without a little shit on his dick.
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to quench ones thirst with semen
the parched young poof felt an overwhelming need to skwench his thirst.
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