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Another Hope

The infamous fanfiction 'novel' lifting from the fourth installment of Star Wars by Lori Jareo as she gave self-publishing a lot of unwanted controversy. Let's just say George Lucas was more than a little pissed. It emerged as the Gothic short story The Typewriter was purchased for First North American rights for Tales of the Talisman as the writer was developing his second sequel to the flagship anthology at the time. Nick Matamas a rival author in the Horror Writers Association reported on the Lori Jareo debacle as he was invoking flame bait about the book appearing on major channels in 2006. Let's just say a lot of us who worked with the print on demand vehicle were pissed at her. Holden's Counterpart puts the pseudo-novelist on the spot.

I am sure if you're doing a novel where the characters are not yours you're pulling another like that damn novel Another Hope. That novel made it hard for a lot of us who wrote original material to be taken seriously.

by illinoishorrorman January 17, 2018


an asshole that goes around making doctored pictures and saying it's the particular publication. They would go and harass publishers in message boards and offer pirated written works. Often disreguard the DMCA and would go as far as committing a crime called harassment by phone and harassment by wire. In other words, a writer's worst nightmare.

AngryInIllinois is the classic cyberbully, using fake domains and libious content and passes it off as fact.

by illinoishorrorman July 31, 2010

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The Fundamentalist Fundie

A facebook page of a 1611 Speak Fundie that buys into the Flood Geology and pushes the academia from those who went to Pensacola Bible College as academic insight. He was caught slandering Bloodgood in facebook chat with The Cabbie Homicide writer and The Ethereal Gazette publisher. Noted for peddling his group -- GENESIS: Origin of Truth as he sees the Genesis creation narrative as literal as it's supposed to be seen as allegory. He's a noted Young Earth Creationist in the vein of Fucking Cartoon and Uneducated Huskster. He is a member of the group, Kent Hovind: the Man, the Ministry, and the Message.

Since the wordpress blog known as the light blue blog in 2014, did "King James Only Examined" a sub-sect of the Fundie website Creation Liberty Evangelism and the follower of that group, The Fundamentalist Fundie who is a King James Only meme based cybervangelist who pushes a true willful ignorance.

Noted for starting a public fight with An Eye In Shadows author and trying to parrot, James 3:8 at him as he pulled "Your timing really sucks donkey dick" as he yanked out a photograph giving the highway salute. The insufferable asshole is known to have more than one facebook account with the same name. As revealed he is active with several groups such as Independent Fundamental Baptist KJB Bible Believers.

by illinoishorrorman February 14, 2018

fannish fabulist

A fan fiction writer who operates as a gossip blogger pretending to be a biographer of those they flat out hate and actively screw over. One step away from being a plagiarist as they tend to piss off publishers and authors alike. See real person fiction fan writers are often hostile when it comes to creative nonfiction writers as there are gossip bloggers who a comment asked, "What exactly is creative non-fiction? Is it non-fiction or something you just pull out of your ass based on something that really happened?" Fannish fabulists see narrativejournalism as a dirty word as the sources will sometimes take years to emerge as gossip blogger and failed publisher Bandersnatch Books founder took an active bowel movement on The Cabbie Homicide.

A creative nonfiction writer outted the Queen of Gargoyle Fanfiction as a fannish fabulist in 2008 when she covered for a known debacle.

by illinoishorrorman January 14, 2018


Shortened last name of a horror author from the Latter Day Saint front who retorted to me with "Eat my pussy asswipe" when I asked him how could he be a practicing Mormon and an open donut puncher. My response was a self-deprecation crack which implies he wasn't born with one and no I wasn't going to suck below his waste nor was I going to toss his salad. A Motley Vision has an interview of him from 02/04/2010 where he speaks of being a "totally queer Mormon, but celibate." As this was from a quote on Wikipedia.org, Latter Day Saints and Assemblies of God are noted for being frequent verbal sparring partners -- as some of the barbs would borrow from the 1991, thrash metal mindscrew track "A Dog's Breakfast" as we point out that their founder is a womanizing con man who practiced folk magick and has roots in Freemasonry. When engaging Latter Day Saints employ modern translations such as The New Living or The Voice; then wham line with the "drink your own piss and eat your own dung" referring to the King James Version entries.

The Lovecraft E-Zine was torqued over my critical remark relating to "Pug" as its noted that I got a Jello Eating Bunny cussing me out for seeing a contradiction in their teachings. I would had pissed them off to the core calling The Book of Morom a work of King James Version alternate history published fanfiction. The editor in the e-mail, "I am normally a nice guy but with your comment, congratulations you're the editor who successfully pissed me off."

by illinoishorrorman January 20, 2018


Rightly Conservative's social network owner and her own blog coined this in 2010, as I had with modblog equated John Kerry to Damian Thorn from The Omen in 2003 into 2004 as I voted for Bush for the second term. Conservative blog circles started using my barb as I adopted the NoBama barb as I used a painting of NoBama burning the Constitution when I laid into my old boss when they canned me for a controversial novella. The light blue blog's twitter had the gall to call Obama that when he retweeted the New York Post black comedy barrage at Jared Fogle as they have a history of wham lining pedophiles. My church mates when they did the track "Slave" didn't realize they had something with serious venom that wouldn't been out of place on their Wicked Generation album as The Cabbie Homicide gave this more venom.

Snowflakes, "Shit the pundits are hashtagging NoBama over the Jared Fogle twitter reaming. Fuck! The light blue blog took aim at him as he calls him The Great Compromiser. His tumblr blog has the blog entry 'Home of the Slave' which features the infamous painting going around of Barry Obama burning the Constitution as Los Angles Times bitched about this dark display of Socialism. He's a Christian who posted the photos of Pat Robertson and Paul Crouch giving the finger and laughing about it; he actually posted the link to the TBN one on his facebook. The King James Only Movement was torqued over his colorful language as one church from downstate famously blocked him on facebook and twitter over the display of Catcher in the Rye-ish examination and tone. "

by illinoishorrorman January 18, 2018

Uneducated Huckster

Rational Wiki coined this one to Eric Hovind.

1.) If you preach that human and dinosaur coexisted then you're a fucking idiot.

2.) Someone who attended Jackson Hole Bible College

3.) A student from the Independent Baptist college system as they were revealed to be snake oil salesman.

4.) a home-schooller who cites "Dr." Kent Hovind as an educator and pulls a scripture barrage from the King James Version when they were refuted by a theistic evolutionist without spouting every other word and using their own blog articles as well as writings from the observations they made when science points out a much older earth. When Pat Robertson made the remark, "let's not make a joke of ourselves as there's no way the earth is 6000 years old."

Someone who saw my exchange on Creation "Science" Evangelism and pulling out the 2007 era photograph, "A Philosophy minor from College of DuPage who was a college dropout outsmarted the Uneducated Huckster on the huckster's own page. What's funny is he didn't cuss but invoked a response of getting invited to a Facebook Block Party -- then he decided to take it to the parent site where he unleashed a barrage of barbs some explicit as Utah would been covering their eyes over some of them. The comments on the pictures -- oh shit I don't even want that dark mental image in my mind as he did a Black Comedy laced retort using dark allegory showing what the reality of Noah's Floating Zoo really looks like. Hovind pulls the 2 + 2 = 4 response he invoked Orwell with 2 + 2 = 5"

by illinoishorrorman January 21, 2018

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