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Bug is what i call the creepy brown guy who stares at me in math.
It can be applied to any creepy guy but generally it is a creepy BROWN guy.. with a mustache- (NOT A COOL TWISTY FRENCH ONE)

-Bug just picked his nose
-Bug is winking his unibrow at me
-A creepy brown guy is stalking you? oh you mean a bug.

by ilove(BAH) November 19, 2010

15👍 23👎


a TAMF is a TALL ASS MOTHER FUCKER (pardon my language).

a TAMF is that friend that we all have that's really tall and awk. BUT we love them because they're like Andy Samberg meets Dwight Howard. As well, they are usually quite good looking.

-I wasn't watching where i was going and i bumped into that tamf.
-WOW look at that tamf!!! his head hits the cieling!!
-That tamf is HAWT

by ilove(BAH) November 19, 2010

6👍 1👎