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Jude is a different breed. He always gets angry and violent no matter what the situation is. He can be sweet to those he truly loves but still gets a tad violent wait them. His pretty green eyes and fluffy dirty brown hair makes all the girls forget the type of person he is. He goes all soft for that one girl. Guess you could say he’s the typical bad guy to go good for a girl he likes.


*his crush walks in*
Jude: Finn i’ve always thought you were cool

by ilovepooplolz June 14, 2022


Tatum is the sweetest girl you’ll ever meet. She’s super sweet and kind. She’s a good sister and a wonderful friend. She’s also really smart but denies it, and is prettier than she thinks she is. You can’t be mean to Tatum or you’ll regret it as she kills you with kindness.

Billy: Tatum is so sweet I would do anything for her

Josh: her hair is the most perfect thing i’ve seen
Nolan: She’s the most perfect thing i’ve ever seen

by ilovepooplolz February 12, 2022