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michael conway

that guy who used to be so annoying in middle school but is now becoming the biggest fuckboy in high school

Person 1: Yo remember that annoying kid in 6th grade?
Person 2: Yeah, what about him?
Person 1: There's a rumor going around that he fucked 5 girls at a party?
Person 2: WTF, since when does he get girls now?
Person 1: I have no idea. Looks like he's become a michael conway

by im a hoe for u January 16, 2020

Fucking Trevor

What Hardin Scott calls his girlfriend, Tessa's, coworker named Trevor due to jealousy. Pronounced as "Fooking" Trevor because of his British accent.

Fucking Trevor will be played by the one and only Dylan Sprouse in the upcoming After We Collided movie.

Hardin: Hey baby, how was work at Vance today?

Tessa: It was nice. I was able to get a break and went out to eat lunch with Trevor.

Hardin: Fucking Trevor...

by im a hoe for u August 20, 2019