Tayden is a GIRL name to guys. All them definitions talkin bout Tayden like itâs a dude but there are female taydens and lemme tell you. Tayden is one badass bitch who is actually quite funny. Sheâs fuckin savage too. Sheâll tell it like it is, she donât care if what she says hurts ur feelings. Sheâll only say shit she knows is true. This bitch is one of the most honest people you know. Sheâs pretty fuckin cool too. Kinda ugly but her brow game is hella strong tho.
Guy 1: dude u know Tayden?
Guy2: yea man I was being fucking stupid and she told me I was being fucking stupid!
Guy 1: yea sheâs pretty real about shit man
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Lake stevens is basically a town full of fake people who snitch on you if you do something wrong. The most common people youâll meet are 1. Fake hoes 2.druggies 3.cool potheads 4.normal fuckers
The only thing this damn town lives for is football. Basically you either do drugs or play sports bc thatâs all there is to do. But there are the few that manage to drink and do drugs and play sports. The rich kids live in the downtown area. And the kids that live in the height think theyâre the shit cus they think they ghetto. The worst thing about lake stevens is the mid high. Itâs middle school and highschool in one. Itâs called cavelero mid high. With 8th and 9th graders only. But the school is shitty the principal is shitty and the teachers are shitty and the kids that go there are shitty. Basically all anyone want to do is get outta this bunk ass town but about 90% of the people who graduated here will stay here. The only cool thing about this town is that Chris Pratt graduated from here. Fuck lake stevens or âfake stevensâ
Guy 1: bro where do u live?
Guy 2: Bret I live in lake stevens
Guy 1: HAHA that sucks for u lmao
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