Noah M. G. is amazing. he like among us and his cool dog coffee. please dot hurt noah m. g. he is good.
person 1: im friends with noah m. g.
Belig means penis in a foreign language(Armenian)
Person 1: Do you like belig?
Person 2: Of course!
Person 1: man you are weird
noah gabriele is quiet boy who like amogus
Person 1: hey see that quiet kid, he s such a noah gzbriele
person 2: oh ok at least he isnt a dmanfox14
Mazy is a veyr good dog. She is super playful and cute. If everyone in the world had a mazy, then all of the worlds problems are fixed. some people call her a pog dog(she is)
Person 1: Omg look its mazy
Person 2: opmg so cool