Source Code


fictional city name


by imakeweirddefinitions April 16, 2023

adolph blaine charles david earl frederick gerald hubert irvin john kenneth lloyd nero martin oliver paul quincy randolph sherman thomas uncas victor william xerxes zeus wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorffvoralterwissenhaft+171

a guy

My name is:
adolph blaine charles david earl frederick gerald hubert irvin john kenneth lloyd nero martin oliver paul quincy randolph sherman thomas uncas victor william xerxes zeus wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorffvoralterwissenhaft+171

by imakeweirddefinitions March 28, 2023

5👍 3👎


transplant something beneath

Sesquipedalianism, hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia, floccinaucinahilipilification, xenotransplantathion, psuedopsuedohypoparathyroidism, antidisestablishmentarianism, INFRASEMITRANSFERSIVATION

by imakeweirddefinitions April 5, 2023


give that
give them

gi'x to me that

by imakeweirddefinitions January 1, 2023

fucking pressure

frustration that make you feel extremely and absurdly stressed

i have fucking pressure

by imakeweirddefinitions February 13, 2023


an retard, but basically brain damaged and being a mental psycho

My man became a fucksteel

by imakeweirddefinitions January 1, 2023


a males both genitals

someone kixked my scartum yesterday, it was painful

by imakeweirddefinitions January 1, 2023