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Curtis Ward

From South Yorkshire, Curtis is the guitarist in British band Bring Me The Horizon. He's a big Metallica fan. Although he likes living with his mom, he thinks that 21 is too old to have someone telling you to turn your music down. His best friend is Lee Malia, and they are in a Metallica tribute band called Fifth Column.
Curtis is deaf in one ear and partially blind in one eye. In his good ear, he has developed tinnitus (a continuous ringing sound) that has been getting louder and higher pitched. Due to his financial situation, he can't afford to get proper earplugs, so he continues playing music without one, slowly destroying his hearing. The tinnitus is so severe, he has to smoke enough weed to pass out just to sleep at night.
Curtis is very nice, quite funny, and just generally a nice person.

Person 1: Who's the guitarist in BMTH who's going deaf?
Person 2: Oh, that's Curtis Ward.

by imonfireeee February 24, 2009

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