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A portmanteau of 'Bitch' and 'Explaining' coined in response to the emergence and use of the term 'Mansplaining'. Bitchsplaining describes the act of explaining something in a manner deemed condescending.

Woman- "Oh, are you babysitting?"
Man- "No, i'm their father"
Woman- " Do you want me to explain how to make their lunch?"
Man- "No Bitchsplaining is necessary, thank you."

by insertwittyscreenname December 11, 2016

18👍 13👎


A delightful mixture of privilege and ignorance that leads to condescending, inaccurate assertions of sexism, delivered with the rock-solid conviction of rightness and that slimy certainty that of course "he must be sexist, because he is the man in this conversation".

Man- "I just think that insults designed to undermine and ridicule one particular group of people based on their sex are are inherently unjustifiable and..."
Karen Healy- "don't mansplain "mansplaining" to me you sexist bastard!"

by insertwittyscreenname May 19, 2017

9👍 1283👎


A portmanteau of 'Man' and 'Interrupting' that seeks to equate interrupting someone with a specific hate crime against perpetrated against women. Users of the term often appear to imply that any interruption on the part of a man is the result of a genetic or social drive to prevent women from attaining what they perceive as "equality" (See Privilege).

Woman- "John, if you want to..."
Man- "Oh I'm sorry, I'm not John, he over the..."
Woman- " How DARE you manterrupt me, manterrupting is a form of verbal rape!"

by insertwittyscreenname December 11, 2016

32👍 28👎


A portmanteau of 'Man' and 'Tantrum' that describes a man losing his temper. The term is inherently derogatory as the term 'tantrum' is most often used to describe an irrational or selfish anger, typical of infants. The term is often used by those who wish to undermine someone of the opposite gender by use of a sexist remark, analogous to a man claiming that a woman is "on her period" or "having their time of the month" when they are distressed.

Man- "Why doesn't this damn thing work?"
Woman- "Ooh, are you having a Mantrum?"

by insertwittyscreenname December 11, 2016

1👍 11👎