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Large Race Of People Who Have been traeted really unfairly like calling them terrirosts for maybe or maybe not blowing up the towers of the world trade centre in america and a little few other things .... so what.

america,israel for the past few years have been killing and killing Millions of arabs all over the world specially in IRAQ And Palestine Like It Is a Hobby Of some kind .

and waging wars againts them in the name of libretating while in fact they are just stealing their oil and natural fortune . which they propably have tons of them in their homeland ... eg(America) .

and when a citzen in an arabic country dies they treat it like shit . they are videos showing what i am saying

BUT When An American Soldier (Sometimes From His FRIEND BULLET) It Is All Over The news Channel And Magazine.

I Really Think Arabs Should get A little More Respect and treated with more FAIR

by iraqi person July 19, 2009

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