Source Code


the term comes from the George Orwell book 1984, by the way.

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength

by irishREPUBLICANarmy June 5, 2004

206πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž


National something i can't remember.

anyway, they "regulate" the world of government and military radio users in the United States of America.

they also have a MAJOR problem with accepting any radio other then a motorola.

Stupid fascists!

CAP guy 1: Fuck the NTIA!!!!
CAP guy 2: Damn right!

by irishREPUBLICANarmy November 13, 2003

1πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

basket case

one who is crazy, well i'll let the lyrics of the Green Day song say it for you.

Do you have the time
To listen to me whine
About nothin' and everything
All at once?

I am one of those
Melodramatic fools.
Neurotic to the bone,
No doubt about it.

Sometimes I give myself the creeps.
Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me.
It all keeps addin' up.
I think I'm crackin' up.
Am I just paranoid,
Or am I just stoned?

I went to a shrink
To analyze my dreams.
She said it's lack of sex
That's bringin' me down.

I went to a whore.
He said my life's a bore,
So quit my whining cuz
It's bringin' her down.

Sometimes I give myself the creeps.
Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me.
It all keeps addin' up.
I think I'm crackin' up.
Am I just paranoid?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Grasping to control.
So I better hold on.

Sometimes I give myself the creeps.
Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me.
It all keeps addin' up.
I think I'm crackin' up.
Am I just paranoid,
Or am I just stoned?

by irishREPUBLICANarmy January 7, 2004

192πŸ‘ 105πŸ‘Ž


The RadioShack DX-397 is based off the SG-344 shortwave and AM/FM radio. It pretty much owns any other analog radio out there.


"MW": 0.530 to 1.710 MHz
"SW1": 4.390 to 5.180 MHz
"SW2": 5.720 to 6.330 MHz
"SW3": 7.000 to 8.050 MHz
"SW4": 9.200 to 10.020 MHz
"SW5": 11.350 to 12.250 MHz
"SW6": 13.250 to 14.290 MHz
"SW7": 15.000 to 16.050 MHz
"SW8": 17.300 to 18.180 MHz
"SW9": 18.700 to 19.250 MHz
"SW10":21.200 to 22.300 MHz
"FM" (yes it gets FM)
88.0 to 108.0 MHz

DX-397 ownage!

by irishREPUBLICANarmy November 18, 2003

52πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


Something that does not make sense

Wow, 99.9% of all the definitions on this website are incoherent

by irishREPUBLICANarmy December 5, 2003

264πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž


The company that makes my printer, and it's OK, I guess

At least my EPSON printer breaks less then the crappy HP one I had last time.

by irishREPUBLICANarmy December 21, 2003

43πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


Pilot slang for the transponder code being used to indentify the aircraft on radar. The code is made up of four digits, and all codes are used but 0000, try using that code in a civilian aircraft and watch how fast the air force lights your ass up. For normal flight the code is 1200, Hijack code is 7500, radio being jammed is 7600 and general mayday call is 7700. These are discrete codes from 7600 to 7677 and 7701 to 7785 also, but I cant tell you what they are for...

Jetblue 834 this is Dulles Control, squawk 4932 please and climb to 15000.

Roger dulles control, squawking.

by irishREPUBLICANarmy October 13, 2003

76πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž