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muffin man

A man that performs oral sex on a woman.

Susie seems to be glowing more than usual today. She must have been visited by the muffin man.

by itsjussme February 29, 2004

137👍 91👎

white trash

Slang term for white people that usually live in a trailer park. With low incomes that spend their tax returns on things like big screen TV's instead of clothes for their kids. These people tend to be mouthy and fight frequently. Generally these people are uneducated and have little concern for personal hygiene. To see these people at their best watch Jerry Springer.

What happened on Jerry Springer today? Oh, the usual. Some White trash ho beat down her white trash boo because he was getting freaky wid the white trash neighbor who is married to her father.

by itsjussme February 29, 2004

7522👍 1337👎


To lubricate and perpare an ass for anal intercourse.

He reamed her ass with his toungue before laying pipe to it.

by itsjussme February 29, 2004

19👍 88👎


Acronym for Operator's Head Up Ass. A term that can be used in many fields but is comman among IT personnel. Used to describe people that call you to fix their computer when the problem is actually the user.

Jim what was wrong with Mary's computer? Ohua...She turned on the computer but not the monitor.

by itsjussme February 29, 2004

3👍 5👎