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to drake

to treat someone/something like its new or immature even though its been around for years - in reference to the rapper/singer drake

originates from rapper The Game in his jay-z dis track 'so wavy' where he says "please don't drake me'

Jon: Wow, youre pretty good at ball.

Pete: Ive been good for a while. You just never gave me my props. So dont try to drake me!

by j tha lady killa August 22, 2009

7πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


a tweet on twitter that was totally unecessary

someone tweets: "I'm on twitter"

...wow that was tweetvious...

by j tha lady killa September 2, 2009

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


fake friends you have for selfish purposes

friends you know don't really like you and you don't like them either

friends you get that were once enemies because you're planning on stabbing them in the back

"Keep your friends close but your frienemies closer haha"

"Don't invite Sarah...she's only a frienemy."

by j tha lady killa August 17, 2009

73πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


some people think they know what it means but really its just nonsesne

a hot song by artist black point, check it out if you wish

a hot word to use or just say for whatever


by j tha lady killa September 2, 2009

347πŸ‘ 278πŸ‘Ž


basically the same as screaming fuck in an event that shocks or scares you, only much funnier (lol)

*someone walks up behind you and pulls you to scare you*

"ah winterfuck!!"

by j tha lady killa August 23, 2009


dumped, dissed, or broken up with (as in a girlfriend, or random bitch)

Sean: dag my gf is annoying ! !

Josh: if it were me, I would have dubbed her a long time ago.

by j tha lady killa August 15, 2009

440πŸ‘ 156πŸ‘Ž

dat real

A quite catchy expression from florida, and possibly other southern states, used to mean something is good, cool, or generally positive.

Jack: Yo man I won the local lottery...500 dollars!

Smitty: Dat real.

by j tha lady killa August 22, 2009

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž