A 1930s slang term, meaning to smoke opium.
"He took her down to Chinatown/ And he showed her how to kick the gong around" -Cab Calloway "Minnie the Moocher"
230π 64π
Not simply someone who is just coyote ugly, the phrase usually implies she is ugly, unkempt, over-weight and has hygiene problems such as a fishy cunt or skid marks on her underwear and her arse really stinks if you go to mount her doggy-style. She is also sexually promiscuous - a person who spreads sexually transmitted diseases. Her victims are always extremely horrified when they wake up the next morning. A somewhat crude term, the phrase is only usually used by people who are common, of low intellect or mingers themselves.Word comes from northern England and from Scotland.
Dave woke up hungover.Two-thirds of the bed contained a sweaty mound of stinky minger with unshaven armpits and huge bush. His genitals itched terribly.
532π 414π
the joker cards something you juggahos will never understand
after all 6 have risen the end of time will consume us all
47π 99π
throwin a mad ass curve ball in baseball
yo robert just threw a nastya ass duece andstruck him out
4π 15π
1)To grab someone's butt check(s) with all 4 fingers and thumb of one hand as if by the beak of a goose. Element of surprise very important.
2)To grab a woman for the very first time in the genital area. Done quickly and without finesse or foreplay. If a finger or two penetrates the vagina, so much the better. Element of surprise very important.
3)To stick your thumb up another person's butthole (or vagina). Element of surprise essential.
I goosed my brother as we came up the stairs outta the Tube.
I goosed Nancy's snatch once I decided the first date wasn't working out.
Once I saw her naked I knew I didn't want to fuck her. She was coyote ugly, I goosed her instead. She just thought I was getting her ready for anal.
74π 84π
Irrational belief in something despite all evidence to the contrary.
My religion's holy book says the world is flat, so I believe it's flat no matter what all those fancy-pants scientists say, what with all their years of hard work and research!
783π 689π