Source Code


Spending countless hours working with HEC-RAS (the Army Corps of Engineers' Hydrologic Engineering Center's River Analysis System). It's pleasurable at first, but becomes painful after countless hours, days, and weeks working on the same project. See http://www.hec.usace.army.mil/software/hec-ras/index.html

Only spelled with capital RAS since "rasturbation" (no caps) deals with digital photography.

Learning proper RASturbation techniques can be an excellent educational and career-advancing endeavor. Man, I love that I get paid to RASturbate. I've been RASturbating on this project for so long that it's not fun anymore; it actually hurts. Do you want to look over my shoulder and watch me RASturbate? She taught the new intern how to RASturbate.

by jaLuv December 7, 2008

15👍 7👎