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Mong Biff

it is appropriate to call someone a mong biff when they have done something utterly stupid and/or idiotic.

it can involve more than one person, the person who notices the act of specialness will say "Mong" and it is open for anyone else to add "Biff"

bringing more humiliation to the person who experience the special moment

Chris walks into a lamp-post
Tori cries out "MONG..."
Greg adds "BIFF"

therefore Chris is a mong biff

by jabba dabba doodlely June 30, 2010

11👍 1👎

Peng Face

An emoticon where the face is attempting to lick its nose.

A retro new emoticon that is catching on, yet has no graphic for it.

you can vary the peng facees - add moustaches.

A peng face is - P: or moustache peng face; P}:

the msn page between tori and her friend was full of :P faces,

so to be retro, she added a peng face


then to be that much cooler, a moustache peng face P}:

by jabba dabba doodlely November 14, 2010

4👍 1👎