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Originated from jamaica. It was originally odopted by b-bois and mcs but has since been used by chavs and other forms of people. It is just a form of saying friend, mate, brov, cuz.

please do not intercept it as a chav word as it is not. Chavs just think they're b fo using it.

ite bled wots goin daan.

bled ur gonna get had

dont fuk wiv me bled

by jackbob October 31, 2005

87👍 44👎


What many people say to define msn messanger so they don't have to say the whole mouthful. They are not purposely trying to get the tearm wrong but just savng time.

A wonderful program that offers many services such as e-mail and messanging for free. It brings friend and family together without the cost of a phone call. Makes it easyier to arrange going out with friends.

Has many haters, mainly people with no life, for example everybody who has posted about msn so far because it narrows their chance of talking to anybody just that bit more because all the people with lifes will be to busy talking to each other. Also there are the other hand of people who can't take a company with power and they are lonely so they decide to hate.

2 people on msn-
1 - should we go out tommorow?
2 - yes i think we should
1 - where do you want to go
and etc etc

people mad-mouthing it-
"msn is the worst because it's owner wants to rules the world so it must be rubish. It also let's all the people with lifes talk to each other more so i will never get to talk to them now."

i would like to say yes maybe he does want to take over the world, and i say good for him , he's ambitous.
maybe the people on here should try something more than bad-mouthing.

by jackbob January 2, 2006

189👍 151👎