A straight-jacket, nuf said. Also spelt clostro cardigan. Known also as a Psycho-Poncho. Stitched with Kevlar thread, the garment is known as the Phobia Pullover
The market, say analysts, for claustro cardigans, is said to be around 1 billion dollars, but only if you travel 500 years into the future.
31π 14π
A straight-jacket, nuf said. Also spelt clostro cardigan. Known also as a Psycho-Poncho. Stitched with Kevlar thread, the garment is known as the Phobia Pullover
The market, say analysts, for claustro cardigans, is said to be around 1 billion dollars, but only if you travel 500 years into the future.
6π 14π
An intergalactic version of the tried and trusted Carney Combo, not so similar or to be confused with the Super Carney Combo, nor the midwest versions as previously outlined on U.D. It involves the following variants distinguishing it from the original. You've Been Warned.
The normal act of 1. receiving a Fisting by a clown, 2.Being Ass-stung by a little person, and 3. Being blown by the bearded lady, is substituted by being fisted by Ja-Ja Bings, Ass-stung by an Ewok and blown by Chewbacca's other half Malla.
As expected, another variation exsists whereby the above fisting from an Ewok is substituted with whatever Jaba The Hutt forces you to insert, with a sworn promise to call back next year.
Yes, fear is real, need proof? Never again will you see a Lucas Film Production at night-time. Start practicing your poker face, you're gunna need it. Hide your hands behind your back and have your fingers crossed when you promise to fly back next year. The Intergalactic Carney Combo Strikes back. Its the aptly named "The Carney Strikes Back Combo"
7π 20π
Used when describing a person who is not all there mentally, that is inept socially etc, or appears to be a bit thick. Struggles to fit into normal society, and subsequently rejected and described to people as a bit slow.
May also be used lightheartedly if someone is perhaps day-dreaming and not paying attention when asked a question. Similar to, but not quite the same"a few beers short of a six-pack", or "a few screws loose."
What if we asked Dudley if he knows?
What? You're kidding me right? Theres no way he'd know. In fact stay away from that bloke
Why's that?
You know, The lights are on but nobody is home.
Oh, ok thanks for the warning.
I can't remember, hang on a sec, i'll ask Harold.
Harold, whats the price of that Xbox again, you know the one you bought from E-bay?
I said, how much was that X-box you got from E-bay the other day?
Oh? umm, ahh, hang on a sec
Sorry for the hold up Mavis, old harold here is in another world, the lights are on but nobody's at home, heheh.
94π 30π
One of the hardest to define slang terms from Oz. It's associatted with moderately heavy, heavy and/or the over the top use of stimulants or amphetamines such as ice. Humourously used to describe to someone about your state of mind in combination with the amount of days in a row you have been without sleep, and the estimated days you expect to continue being awake and used in the same vien also, when lightheartedly stirring somebody else up who is also obviously - via thier actions, in the same condition. It's comedic value is derived from the fact, that when said, being most likey many months, or at least weeks and weeks away from christmas day, that in fact only 3 actual occurrences of a good nights sleep are likely to occur before that holiest of holiest days arrives. It's like saying that on a busy day at the carpark of a shopping centre, that "millions" of cars were parked all over the place, making it a pain to get out of there in any decent amount of time, when there may have been actualy 50.
guy walks into a club, his friends noticing the eyeballs and fidgetyness, combined with his uncanny savvyness, dash and the ability to see and understand the secrets of the universe. He walks up to his group of buddys and proclaims " 3 sleeps till christmas" while smiling, showing the sparkle of light shining from his teeth like in the cartoons, and shouts all his pals thier favourite beverage.
the same guy walks into the same club, looking a little like henry munster, glazed eyes, not realy sure if the name on his drivers licence and the associatted picture, is actually him, muttering something along the lines of " i am woman hear me roar" has all his pals racing over to see who can be the first to overwhelm and bedazzle him with the saying, all very likely in fits of hysterics at just how out of it, thier not so fine weathered friend is. They'd probably immediately also mention, that he's been here for hours and "that he somehow has got out of paying for his last two shouts of drinks and to please go to the bar, all just wanting the usual"
25π 19π
One of the hardest to define slang terms from Oz. It's associatted with moderately heavy, heavy and/or the over the top use of stimulants or amphetamines such as ice. Humourously used to describe to someone about your state of mind in combination with the amount of days in a row you have been without sleep, and the estimated days you expect to continue being awake and used in the same vien also, when lightheartedly stirring somebody else up who is also obviously - via thier actions, in the same condition. It's comedic value is derived from the fact, that when said, being most likey many months, or at least weeks and weeks away from christmas day, that in fact only 3 actual occurrences of a good nights sleep are likely to occur before that holiest of holiest days arrives. It's like saying that on a busy day at the carpark of a shopping centre, that "millions" of cars were parked all over the place, making it a pain to get out of there in any decent amount of time, when there may have been actualy 50.
guy walks into a club, his friends noticing the eyeballs and fidgetyness, combined with his uncanny savvyness, dash and the ability to see and understand the secrets of the universe. He walks up to his group of buddys and proclaims " 3 sleeps till christmas" while smiling, showing the sparkle of light shining from his teeth like in the cartoons, and shouts all his pals thier favourite beverage.
the same guy walks into the same club, looking a little like henry munster, glazed eyes, not realy sure if the name on his drivers licence and the associatted picture, is actually him, muttering something along the lines of " i am woman hear me roar" has all his pals racing over to see who can be the first to overwhelm and bedazzle him with the saying, all very likely in fits of hysterics at just how out of it, thier not so fine weathered friend is. They'd probably immediately also mention, that he's been here for hours and "that he somehow has got out of paying for his last two shouts of drinks and to please go to the bar, all just wanting the usual"
18π 21π
Crystal meth. simple as that. term common to parts of australia.
Ginga- Got any yarch? my skin is itching.
Man 1- yep. here you go ya ginga.
Ginga- thank you.
Man 1- please call again.
Ginga- i will, its highly addictive you know.
Man 1- yes i know it is, see you tomorrow
37π 25π