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Gabbi is a gorgeous , popular , sexy girl, she can be shy at times but crazy at other times, is loyal when it comes to boyfriends , would never cheat. Chooses her friends wisely , gabbi’s can pretend to like someone so they don’t hurt their feelings. Mood changes a lot one minute Gabbi’s can be the happiest person ever but then the next minute can be the saddest person ever. She can be very flirty and will get any guy she wants , funny has a good sense of humour can joke around with Gabbi’s a lot. Beautiful, lots of girls are jealous , her own person , confident doesn’t care what people think. Really good friend , if you need her she will be there no matter what it takes. She’s a strong beautiful nicest girl you’ll meet.

man i’ve fallen in love with gabbi and i don’t think ill ever be able to leave

by jane jan xoxo August 5, 2018