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Aphnans are the therapists of the groups. Their trust is extremely easy to break, so you always want to be careful with how you talk with them. They are amazing people and you will never regret having an Aphnan as a friend. Very intelligent and if they're the oldest, they always act like the moms. Aphnans are always very confident and can get through anything if they try hard enough.

Before I knew Aphnan:
Me: hi..
Her: Hey!

After I knew Aphnan:

Me: Hey girl
Her: Hi hi hi! Wanna play something? I got lots of suggestions here

Me: Uh, ok!

by jasmine yUh February 17, 2022


If you have this last name, I want to be your best friend. Bello's are literally amazing, I've only met one in like Grade Eight and they were so kind. I regret losing contact with them.

The Bello girl: How are you doing? How are you feeling? Wanna get food? Should we play something?

Me: I'm good, thanks for asking I guess?

by jasmine yUh February 17, 2022