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a tv show that started in '85 and went on for 8 seasons.

includes a mullet-weilding,duct-tape weilding man whom is remakably resoureful.

also helped start many popular stars of today such as Cuba Gooding Jr. and Terry Hatcher

useing a paper clip, chewing gum, and a roll of duct tape, macguyver could rule the world...as long as the gum wrapper was included

by jawsofboredem February 15, 2006

48👍 24👎

NES thumb

(NES pronounced like a word not an acromym)

A side effect of playing too much videogames. often accompanied with minor to moderate,but constant, pain. can last days even if gameing is discontinued also, pain not always restricted to one thumb. can be applied to a gamer regardless of the platform he\she is playing, but obvously derrived from the 8-bit NES days.

gorgeous girl:hey pete! wanna go to the mall?
pete:naw...i got a pretty bad case of nes thumb
gorgeous girl:geek! *stomps off never to speak the pete agian*

"curse you koopa troopa! now i have NES thumb"

by jawsofboredem March 7, 2006

37👍 2👎


an expert lumberjacks' tool to chop trees

you must chop the largest tree in all the forest with a herring!

by jawsofboredem November 23, 2006

78👍 68👎


an 3-4 foot long sword, simular to a katana.
a nodachi(also odachi and no-dachi) usually had no compassion sword.
generaly the last weapon a samari would use,(first bow, then yari) but thanks mainly to anime and manga it was largely overglorifyed.

the nodachi has no mistical powers you adult swim freaks!

by jawsofboredem February 1, 2006

18👍 7👎

tetris ghost

1)the natural phenomenon that occurs after extended hours of playing tetris especially after the first time.
2)the seeing of the familiar shapes all around you especially when your eyes are closed

the russians defidently won the cold war for video games.

"ghaa!! the lampshade is a pole and 2 squares! stinking tetris ghosts!"

by jawsofboredem August 8, 2006