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A move popularized in basketball video games but still technically possible in actual basketball. It is when the player holding the ball throws it up and catches it in quick sucession before passing, shooting, dunking etc.

It is different from an Alley-oop because it is characterized by the ball leaving the persons hand for a very short amount of time

Guy 1: Yo Have you seen that one clip of Allen Iverson bazing before dunking the ball in
Guy 2: No dude, that's just an alley-oop, its really hard to baze in real life.

by jeena34 April 4, 2023


Straight but only towards people who are straight, bisexual, pan etc. (aka people who can like you back).

terms such as half straight can be used as well

Girl 1: Do you think that Gavin likes me even though im bisexual, I feel like im leading him on and I dont want to hurt him
Girl 2: Don't worry he doesn't like you, he's semi-straight remember

by jeena34 July 30, 2021