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it means herion the drug

we went to go to the city to get some glaven, or we need to get some glave, a dealer can be called the glavianator

by jeff1978 July 31, 2006

10👍 44👎

piss pits

the sweat mark made on your shirt due to sweat

yo that mo fucka got some nasty piss pits

by jeff1978 August 1, 2006

4👍 6👎

Car salesman

the art of selling cars

if you got conned or lied to or swindeled then you are a stupid fuck for signing to buy the car last i looked salesman dont carry guns you stupid fuckers out there dont knock the car salesman for giving you a bad deal last time you bought a car. you signed for it asshole

by jeff1978 August 3, 2006

107👍 91👎