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Look guys, seeing all the negative comments, I just gotta say something. Yes, runescape CAN be addictive, but you just gotta limit yourself. I know from experience because I was literally playing nine hours a day. I realized how runescape was taking my life, so I stopped playing for a while. About a year later I reactivated my account. I have to admit, a lot has changed, and don't get me wrong, I love the game, but I limit myself. All it takes is a little self-control. Don't listen to the people who say, "Don't play!" It's YOUR choice not THEIR choice. Personally, I would recommend this game, 9.5 out of 10.

Yes, there is lag, and it is somewhat over-crowded, but the amazingness (I may be making that word up) makes up for it. You can do quests, level up your character, and if you need to get away from the real world every once in a while, just calm yourself, go on runescape, and take your anger out on some goblins.

Yes, leveling up does feel good, but don't get to happy and get addicted. Remember, LIMIT YOURSELF, and don't let runescape take away your life.

Example 1:

Friend: Haven't seen you on Runescape in a while.

Guy: Yeah, I knew I had a problem so I deactivated my account.

Example 2:

You: Yes! I just leveled up in Runescape! (Gets addicted)
If this becomes you, don't wait to act, because the mroe you play, the harder it is to quit.

(For example 3, I will use me.) ((I will make up names to protect the identity of my friends.))
Me: Yes! I just leveled up in Runescape!

My Bro: Hey, Billybob just invited us to the park.
Me: No sorry... I'm working on my combat level, mage, and archery.
My Bro: C'mon you've played eight hours today!

Me: Shut up and let me get back to my game!
My Bro: Fine...

This is what Runescape had done to me. So here was the effect of my RR (Runescape Rehab)

Me: Yes! I just leveled up in Constitution!
My Bro: Hey! Sheila just asked us to go to the park. Wanna go?
Me: Sure! Not like I'm really doing anything anyway. (Logs out of Runescape.) Let's go!

by jefferydjb May 19, 2011

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