Source Code

gavin degraw

the BEST perfomer/ songwriter, he is so romantic and know s how to touch your heart, his cd never gets old, and screw you if you only like him for "I dont want to be", there is so much more to him. CHARIOT STRIPPED IS THE BEST CD EVER!

"tonight you aressted my mind when you came to my defense with a knife in the shape of your mouth in the form of your body with a reth fo a god"

by jennifer April 1, 2005

145πŸ‘ 409πŸ‘Ž


In Britain:
An alternative type of music that often has deep meaningful lyrics or can have ironic story like lyrics. Vocals tend to be mild, somber and heartfelt and music involves guitars /and or piano and drums. Acustic guitars are a favourite. The result is downbeat, beautiful rock that has alot of meaning. People that listen to indie can be anyone; but people that wear cord blazers, worn jeans and scarves are often catorised as Indie. Oh why do we have these genres???

"Yey! I love that new Snowpatrol album!"

by jennifer April 9, 2004

77πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž

body spam

i have no idea but it sounds really gross.

ummm its probably stuff like toe jam.... gross.

by jennifer April 24, 2005

12πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž


A specific brown-to-reddish skinned people of Louisiana with dark eyes and straight, frizzy or curly hair. They are often thought of as a tri-racial people of Native American, African and some form of Eastern or Western European heritage. Redbones are not neccesarily Creole or Cajun--they traditionally speak English.

The redbone lived in the Louisiana bayou his whole life.

by jennifer October 21, 2004

1856πŸ‘ 1290πŸ‘Ž


he loves Misuco and he is willing to fight for her

proteting and careing

by jennifer December 15, 2003


A controlling device used by the corporate masses of America to brainwash teenaged girls and turn them into clones of Hilary Duff and Anna Nicole Smith, usually by means of advertising skanky clothing and expensive shoes and stating (subliminally, of course) that if you do not buy and wear these "stylish" fashions, you will be attacked and mauled by 14-year-old teenyboppers with push-up bras and perfectly manicured fingernails.

Ashley: "Like OH MY GOD! I totally have to buy this miniskirt or I will be devoured by the general public!"

Michelle: "Yeah, I know! Let's go to the mall and buy pink underwear!"

by jennifer June 9, 2004

171πŸ‘ 78πŸ‘Ž


A game played while in a vehicle. 'Padiddle' is said when another vehicle is spotted that has only a single headlight. The person/people who didn't say padiddle must remove one article of clothing.

~A pair of shoes generally count as one article.
~Rules can be changed to include motorcycles, bicycles, etc.
~Word can be changed, so as to throw people off. If the phrase is, 'Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pink pajamas.' It's likely that the person saying the phrase will mess up and will have to remove one article of their clothing.

car: *rolling down the road*
p1: *spots car with one headlight* PADIDDLE!
p2: *removes both shoes*

by jennifer December 17, 2003

1737πŸ‘ 515πŸ‘Ž