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eminem day

October 17th is eminem day. It is his birthday.

I'm so excited for Eminem Day
October 17th is Eminem Day

by jesse purpleman#5046 October 17, 2022


One who has Chadism is often mistaken for being retarded, and/or asian. One with this condition consumes a gratuitous amount of salt, but no one knows why. Ones with Chadism are incapable of speech unless they are chewing food. They tend to get frustrated easliy, and take their anger out on others around them.

In addition, the appearance of one with Chadism is different from a normal person; Chadists tend to have raging unibrows in which they refuse to shave.

As for relationships, Chadists are attracted to ugly females who look like certain animals; mostly whale-like "blubbery" and "greasy" females. Also horse-like and chipmunk-like females.💀

"Ugh Smelvin is such a Chadist."
"I hate Chadism."

by jesse purpleman#5046 May 14, 2022