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1. When a girl or woman acts all pissy and bitchy when she wouldn't necessarily have otherwise because she's on her period/pmsing

2. When a girl or woman acts overly flirty or horny as a result of her not being able to contain the signals that her vagina is sending to her brain

1. Suzie ovary-acted when Johnny slapped her butt by yelling profanities profusely at him and 5-starring his face.

2. Suzie ovary-acted when Johhny slapped her butt by grabbling his dick and telling him that she wanted him inside her.

by jewcy14 October 5, 2011

3👍 5👎


feeling guilty from eating too much gelt.

I feel so gelty this Hannukah.

by jewcy14 December 6, 2010

7👍 4👎