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Towson is a place where a shitload of highschool kids go on the weekends to get fucked up in various ways.

Towson mall-where you'll find all the middle schoolers who have nothing better to do. if youre in high school or above and you hang out at towson mall not specifically trying to buy something or eat something, youre a faggot get some friends

Recher-the only place in maryland where you can see huge bands in an intimate setting. all the good bands play on thursday, friday or saturday but you can always go on sunday and see some local band but 75% of em suck dick while the other 25% will be suprisingly good. also know for the rec room next door which is a chill place to smoke some cigs, play pool, and watch the ravens kick ass

commons-the movie theatre. usually at least one fight outside every friday night. inside is rarely crowded but a good place to piss if youre drunk on the streets and nothings open

cluck u-across the street from the commons. if you havent tried the 911 sauce there and cried your eyes out feeling like you just got maced...then you havent been initiated to towson if your a towson kid reading this go there drunk this weekend walk up to the counter and ask the black dudes to try the 911 sauce...theyll do it and laugh their asses off at you being made a bitch by this stuff

baby ghetto-enough said if you havent been there....youve never chilled in towson

7-11-place to go when you have the munches and not have to worry about seeing some of the gay preppy kids from your school(they stay away from the bums and blacks waiting for the bus cause they reek of money and will get robbed)

go to towson on a friday night and youll see a buncha kids drunk off their ass stumbling and getting into fights, stoners looking to for someone to buy from or somewhere to smoke their bud, prosti-tots looking to get banged by some older guys, and bums asking you for change(dont give em shit you know their just gonna buy booze and drugs and you need your money for the same reason)
if you go to towson you better drink natty boh its good as shit and youre supporting baltimore

-dude what do you wanna do this weekend
-my boy is having a party up in towson lets go pound some natty boh and then dip out, smoke a blunt, and wander around towson
-fuck yeah man!

by jiggaboojones January 26, 2007

10👍 4👎