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A Western Frisian word for Belly Dancer.

Kobura is doing the shimmy with his belly, he’s a Bukdunser.

by jillybeanapril February 21, 2023


Korean word for Vice President.

Una is the vice president and President is the president, Una is a Butonglyeong.

by jillybeanapril February 27, 2023


Lao word for Head Chef.

Maxx is the head chef in the kitchen, he’s the Huana.

by jillybeanapril February 27, 2023


Icelandic word for Vice President.

Imma is the vice president and John is the president, Imma is a Varaforseti.

by jillybeanapril February 28, 2023


Armenian word for Police Chef.

Stephanie is the police chief in the police station, she’s a Vostikanapet.

by jillybeanapril February 27, 2023


Korean word for Police Chief.

Cat is the police chief in the police station, she’s a Gyeongchalseojang.

by jillybeanapril February 27, 2023


Norwegian word for Fire Chief.

Diamond is the fire chief in the fire station, she’s a Brannsjef.

by jillybeanapril February 27, 2023