A Norwegian word for Music Manager.
Penny Rolling is making sure everyone is selling music, sheâs a Musikkansvarlig.
Maxx is the head chef in the kitchen, heâs the Chujang.
Icelandic word for Vice President.
Imma is the vice president and John is the president, Imma is a Varaforseti.
Armenian word for Police Chef.
Stephanie is the police chief in the police station, sheâs a Vostikanapet.
A Japanese word for Freelance Photographer.
Vincent Aza loves to work everywhere to take photos, heâs a Furikameraman.
Daniel is the head chef in the kitchen, heâs the Paallikko.
Kinyarwanda word for Head Chef.
Maxx is the head chef in the kitchen, heâs the Umukuru.