Greek word for Vice President.
Ila is the vice president and Vara is the president, Ila is a Antiproedros.
Latvian word for Vice President.
Fire is the vice president and Park is the president, Fire is a Viceprezidents.
Danish word for mirror villain.
Daniela is a vainglorious villain who carries her mirror with her, sheâs a Spejlskurk.
Norwegian word for Police Chief.
Aiden is the police chief in the police station, heâs a Politisjef.
Bobby is the head chef in the kitchen, heâs the Hoofsjef.
The chef who is the second in command.
Horace is the second in command to the head chef Gordon, heâs the Sous.
A French word for Burlesque Dancer.
Dita is very good at burlesque, sheâs a Burleskitanssija.