1. Verb: To achieve ridiculous goals through ridiculous means.
2. Noun: The condensation formed on the skin of a Sky Clown as it flaps about in the morning dew. The process of officially acquiring these tears is as follows: Place the Sky Clown outside between the hours of midnight and 3am, wait until 7am with correct weather conditions which would produce dew on an average lawn, and then wring the moisture from said Sky Clown before 9am.
My boss wants me to wash my teeth without a brush for the next week, but still wants me to be clean! It's like milking tears from a sky clown over here.
The act of giving oral to the rectum or penis in short bursts, much like one giving a jazz solo for a trumpet.
Suzy gave me a jazzy trumpet yesterday and it felt like she was trying to spit in my urethra.