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a word used to describe kids of a certain music genre like hhard core or emo. usually they have choppy black hair, tight little kid shirts and tight girl pants. they go to local shows NOT "concerts". they call themselves "tuff" and sometimes talk like they're ghetto. they seem obnoxious and snobby but usually they are very nice people. just dont mess with them. they'll beat you up.

but sometimes kids outside the scene use it instead of cool. but those kids are just posers. like the other fags that wrote below me and dissed the scene. they probably either a) need midol or b) werent accepted by the scene and they're solving their teen angst problems by bad mouthing me and my friends on this website.

poser-like oh ehm geez! you are sooo scene!!

by jimmyxsullivan is love September 6, 2005

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