When someone leaves something in the fridge in an unbalanced way so that it falls it when the next person opens the fridge.
"Dude, you left the milk teetering on a burrito without the cap on! Why did you fridge Bomb me?!"
"Haha, I left a pile of ketchup packets on top of the mayonnaise in the door of the fridge, classic fridge Bomb."
Verb, to glache (as in glacier).
Pronounced (gl-ay-sh).
It is the act of picking up random things and dropping them randomly as a trail of debris behind you, like a glacier does to the Earth. Messy people tend to glache everywhere they go.
"Dude your girlfriend glached all over my car yesterday. There's eye makeup in the cupholder, candy wrappers on the floor, and box of tampons in the back seat."
"Leave your nasty glaching tendencies at the door. No camper is allowed to be messy at my camp."
"For me, glaching is a way of life. I don't care about other people, or their things. I just love saying, oops I glached all over your house, hehe."
"Toddlers are the worst glachers alive. You literally see the trail, then leave a trail of tears in its place."