Source Code


Muffin consisting primarily of the substance cud

"awww man, did you see that dude eat that cudmuffin?"
"yeah dude, that was whack."

by joe February 1, 2004

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Face First

The best ska band of all time from New Jersey who used to have a t-shirt that said "We didnt go emo so neither should you." But dropped the horns and went emo.

Face first should get back together because they were the best band ever.

by joe March 25, 2005

10πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Commerce Special

Banging Kristen from behind and using her back as a plate while eating a Mcgriddle sandwich from McDonald's.

Jules gave out a record twenty hotcakes last night at the club and capped off the night with a Commerce Special.

by joe February 27, 2004

28πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


a small type of bird that lives in london. Associated with budgies. reffered to as O'y'y'y'y'y'y'y'y'y'y'y'y. Is very unpopular. is a prik

Ure an adit
he just said an adit
is it a bird, is it plane, no its adit
adit is gay

by joe June 19, 2006

65πŸ‘ 84πŸ‘Ž


1) A stupid phrase or non-existant word which commonly dribbles out of the mouth of a typical moron, thus proving how stupid they really are. (See nuculer or misunderestimated)

George Bush II has committed many a doofimizm and only a comlplete idiot or a Republican would deny that he is a total moron. (Sorry, I guess "comlplete idiot" and "Republican" are redundant terms.)

by joe August 27, 2003

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


1. furry animals with loveable characters.

2. cockney term for £500

1. i was walking with my missus past the monkeys at London zoo, one of the bastards threw its own shite at us!!

2. "Fuckin' ell, just bought a Danny Marr for a monkey! Jubbly

by joe April 14, 2004

155πŸ‘ 111πŸ‘Ž


Having a judge illegitimately drop you in a debate round

"Did you hear? We got Cox'd"

by joe October 18, 2004

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž