Source Code

moose nuckle

The slightly bigger version of camel toe....Usually refered to as the "fat girls" camel toe...the moose nuckle!!

Holy shit, that aint to camel toe thats a motha fucking moose nuckle....i dare you to go tell her to pick it...

by joe January 19, 2005

144πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž


Too drunk to speak or comprehend english

The guy who is wasted not able to walk or talk...Wicked Wasted

by joe September 6, 2003


Wilco also known as Wilco3D is an online alias for the artist at www.wilco3d.com and the elite team fortress classic player.

The tfc player wilco totally roxors your boxos, and his artistic skills are beyond comprehension.

by joe February 23, 2005

11πŸ‘ 101πŸ‘Ž


A fluid, complex system of cultural currency and reputation. Created by the Bitchun Society in "Down and Out in the Magic Kingom" by Cory Doctorow

I took a moment to conjure a HUD with his Whuffie score on it. I had to resize the window--he had too many zeros to fit on my standard display.

by joe December 22, 2003

46πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


1. cheap sale at payless for cheap/poor people.
2.a bj or blow job.

1. look at that poor bastard his is shopping at the bogo sale!
2.I asked if I could get a bogo and she said, " yes."

by joe March 30, 2004

15πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

arse fetta

the clammy, milky substance, cheesy found around the male arse, typically after having not washed for several days.

after camping for several days, Dave could feel his "arse fetta" squelch as he walked.

by joe September 21, 2003

3πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


A non-surfer.

While riding the best wave of the day, I noticed a hodad on the beach chatting up the bikini I had my eye on.

by joe August 26, 2003

158πŸ‘ 90πŸ‘Ž