a graffiti artist from th north of england.
specailising in 3D graffiti art.
has been painting since 2000, but has hav a love for graffiti art since th late 80s,
extencive photo collection and 1o years ov sketches befor attempting to paint a wall.
yo thats a "bero".... mad peice ov graffiti
hes doing a "bero"... doing a fine peice ov work
14👍 14👎
graffiti artist, newcastle uk, 3D graffiti, weed head!
beautiful bero twisted eye cndy by a carear spraycan artist who is dissliked by most ov the hardcore bommbers in th northeast. listerns to allmost every urban style ov music, slowly acepting jazz, funky dressing and phat birds!
5👍 9👎