a creature who dwells the caves of baltimore county and who looks exactly like smeigel from lord of the rings. He is constantly made fun of for this feature and somehow gets play from girls way out of his league, just like Shenfeld. He is known to be down with people that have the name Christina and also likes to search for the ring. He found it one time but then Shenfeld thought it was bird food and ate it, then they battled and Shenfeld got his ass kicked. Smiegel also smells really bad, but still lives a fulfilling life.
"Dude, smiegel fuckin stinks today!"
"Well he does live in a cave and he is over 800 years old"
"O yea i forgot"
"You idiot"
Smeigel you are so fuckin ugly
Smiegel can whoop shenfeld's ass because shenfeld is a pussy
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