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1.A style of punk rock used by crust and street punks and skinheads. it is loud, fast, abnoxious(to non-listeners), and offensive.
2. the british way of saying hey
3. a way of communication for street punks and skinheads.

1. there is an awsome OI! band playin' tonite.

2. oi mate!

3. OI!OI!OI!

by johnny noxious June 5, 2005

113👍 44👎


1. a style of music that is rebelious and usually underground and usually anti everything that has to do with the government.

2. a way of life in that you are your only master. punks are rebellious, anti-everything that ends with an -ism (expet anarchism), and anarcchists, intimiting by their looks and proud mother fuckers. if you spend alot on your cloths when you are a punk you are a poser. punk cloths are usaully stolen, bought at pawn shops or thrift stores or made by themselfs. punks are usually stereotyped as annoying leather studed jacket, plaid pants and band shirt wearing jerks. that is not always true. those type of punks are usually more outgoing and fun to be around. they are called OI! punx and there are many more types of punks. such as the halloween punk, they are more dressed up in black and look like the guys from the misfits. there are the classic punkers which are more laid back on their clothing, their more about attitude than image. then theres posers, they are not punks at all but losers who need a life and stop trying to copy real punks. posers are main stream pop-punks, they dress like good charlette and green day and are happy go lucky and sing about girls.

1. the casualties, sex pistols, the ramones, cheap sex,etc..

2. -OI! punx- usually lower middle class to lower class. leather jacket, tight pants, studs and patches, multi-colored hair that is usually mohawked or liberty spiked.

-pop-punk- those who wear $50 baggies(baggie cloths). they think famous and dc ect. are punk.

-halloween punks- more dressed up punks who like to wear black. tey ussualy wear skelliton suits or somthing along thise lines.

-classic punks- they stick to their punk rock roots. somewhat intimidaiting in looks, but not as intimidating as OI! punx. more concerned with life issues than parties.

by johnny noxious June 5, 2005

5👍 5👎