the greatest of the greats one hell of a guy even if you hate you want to know him a legend in lil man eyes
josephmgonzalez is awesome says lil man
lucifer but he's good for us more like a hero than a villan
josephmgonzalez as returned
a group of hackers who aim low no big pay out and think there ballars
Fresno Warlocks need to chill and let show them how it's done
a guy who puts dank in more and more danger everyday who cares danks gone anyway
lil Mann got with your gut real talk
the woman was used and badley made poor choices with her baby daddy by trusting his word
there's teelovee at stake clinic again
A dumb ass Hacker that don't what to when he is caught says the same things seems like Dank ,Victoria and Angelica is the only thing he stuff about LOL he don't know how to do fraud
iam lil man I you do that dank going to get mad