Source Code


an offensive name ofr a russian

shuddup you bloody kalakarashnikov, even georgia beat you in rugby

by jonty October 17, 2003

War Machine

A big dribbling wreck of a boy. Can't speak properly, and is probably the most stupid person in the world.

War Machine is a big stupid idiot.

by jonty May 29, 2004

8πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


The language of the mukai's.
It replaces most vowels with a very exclusive sound not able to be described with english letters. The speaking of mukai is very flexible to change and is done in a mon otonous highish pitched voice

stop speaking mukai man, its really annoying

by jonty October 15, 2003

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


1)To rub grass or similar on another person's thigh
2)The word said when someone gundi-puns someone else.

NOTE:A popular abbreviation for this word is "gundi"

1) Hey i just gundi-pun'd davis
2) man 1:"Gundi-pun!"
man 2:"what are you doing!"
man 1:"rubbing grass on you"
man 2:"oh, okay"

by jonty October 15, 2003


Short for Newtownards ("newt-nards")

a town in Northern Ireland where you will find fegs, Richmonds of course, spoons, Rigger and Leonard with their 3 leets

"u just stayin in ards tonite aye? spoons yeh?"

by jonty September 8, 2004

72πŸ‘ 106πŸ‘Ž

monster plus

An extension of the cheapest cocktail jug available in spoons, the Monster Reef.

Clearly the monster reef is for fags, but when it becomes the monster plus, with the addition of 2 extra vodkas it is quite acceptable.

"fuckin don't get a fuckin monster reef mate, at least mate it a monster plus"

by jonty September 8, 2004

baseball bat size

A very large "superking" cigarette or feg

"mate... you're smokin fucken baseball bats"

by jonty September 8, 2004

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