Someone who has actually read the Bible without grossly distorting its meaning into some sort of modern work of humanism. When atheists say hell is bull and sin isn't real, they are actually being intolerant, according to pussy agnostics and moderate Christians, who don't believe anything in the bible ever happened, but somehow think god exists anyway.
Atheist: Religion controls your way of life. Prime example, many gay people suffer through years of self-hate because religion says they are sick and "unnatural."
Agnostic: You should really tolerate their belief. Not all Christians believe that, even though it is taught in their holy book.
Atheist: I do. That's why I'm not knocking on their doors right now or slashing their throats. I'm only writing a definition on UD because I'm bored and kind of a loser and it's 1:30 AM and college is cancelled due to snow.
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